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Welcomme to my Web Site noob. if any chance you are taken as hostage, i will not negotiate for your release.

Why do human like to out do each other? Why do human believe in a creator? Why human body is very fragile? What do i need to do to out do you? Why some human race are so sensitive? What are you doing reading this. Why are we affraid to die? Why do we need to finish our degree? Why do we hate criminals? Why is it that every time i make a very simple plan, it has the tendency to fail? Why some humans are social and others are not? What number comes after five? Why are we worrying so much? Why is it that if you understand something it gets boring? What is the source of your motivation in life? Why Why Why Why why wy apay.

MY OPINION IN LIFE (you can say i'm crazy, agin la-la-eng gamin isuna yah)

i believe in the story of jesus christ and to me it really happen. i also believe in the of theory of evolution. a single cell stuggling to live must evolve to suite the changing environment.There are many variables that trigger evolution process like the climate,environment, etc. Some evolutionist like Charles Darwin believe that we evolve from monkeys, you maybe wondering why monkey in this day dont evolve?becausee the process of evolotion is long and it could take thousands or millions of years and remember also the factors that trigger evolution like the environment, climate, etc.The corals are the fastest species to evolve, some corals when they generate siblings, the children evolve into a new species of corals, but it is still a coral. We humans are the most successful output of evolution, we could use tools, we protect each other, we help each other to survive unlike some animals. We have common sense that is accurate, we use that common sense to tell wheather oposite sex are attractive or not. We also use common sense in believing that there is a creator. Some of us believe in ghost, satan, god, culture, spirit, etc. When i was a kid i believe in those things, now i dont, My entire belief is base on science, although that old belief is good because it prevent chaos, promote peace, strengthen the law and justice, etc.i dont believe it because there is no evidence. Science can explain everything. i dont believe in heaven, hell, soul. for me when someone die, thats it they die, there is no purgatory, heaven, hell, etc.,you are simply terminated. We only live one's so make the most out of it. Second life, reincarnation, resurrection are just motivation to live peaceful life. Some culture believe that if you do good things and if you die, you will be reincarnated again, you will live again.    


Welcome to My Website


 Hi my name is mark gregory yamane      

  I like to go out and play dota now but

  i can't because i don't have money.

  So i dedicate the whole 5 minutes

  of my life in making this web site.

  I cannot believe that the whole

  five minutes of my life is wasted.